Reviews & Testimonials Mt Hutt Lodge
From: Dial An Exchange Pty Ltd, AUSTRALIA
Dial An Exchange Timeshare Exchange Limited, NEW ZEALAND
Dear Butch & Jo
I wanted to drop you a line to congratulate you on the wonderful guest feedback we receive about your resort.
Mount Hutt Lodge is one of our most popular resort destinations in New Zealand, being so close to Christchurch and with its close proximity to the snow fields and fantastic Canterbury surroundings, and availability at the resort is always highly sought after by our members.
What’s really outstanding for DAE is the number of our members who take the time to let us know after their holiday about the wonderful time they had at your resort.
Of particular note, the comments have a strong focus around the amazing ‘can-do’ attitude of every staff member they interact with during their stay.
From beginning to end of the guest experience it seems there’s nothing you and your team won’t do to meet and exceed a guest’s wants and needs.
It’s our experience that this high level of guest care sets the benchmark for how people enjoy and remember their holiday – and you are a shining example of how to get it right. Mt Hutt Lodge, under your leadership, will continue to bring visitors back to the region for many years to come because of the positive and enjoyable experience you created.
On behalf of our members, and all the DAE team in Australia and Taupo, we thank you for the outstanding way you look after our guests and we look forward to receiving many more emails from happy customers, who can’t wait to visit Mount Hutt Lodge again.
Yours sincerely
Francis Taylor
Dial An Exchange Pty Ltd, AUSTRALIA
Dial An Exchange Timeshare Exchange Limited, NEW ZEALAND
View the letter: DAE-Ref-April-2012 PDF Opens in a new window
From: Classic Holidays – Tel (07) 5595 7555 – Fax (07) 5595 7500
PO Box 384 – Coolangatta Q 4225 – Australia
Dear Butch & Jo,
Just a quick note to say thank you for the hospitality shown to our members and guests over the last 12 months.
As you would be aware New Zealand and particularly your Resort location is a highly demanded destination for our membership. lt is always comforting to us to know that our members and guests will be well looked after by your personalised hospitality.
It is extremely important to us that the guest experience is positive and we are very
satisfied with the staff culture of “nothing is a problem” and the “can-do” attitude of
yourselves and staff.
On behalf of our 45,000 members, thank you again for your excellence in service.
Yours sincerely,
View the letter: Classic-Holidays PDF Opens in a new window
To Whorn it May Concern:
Re: Mt Hutt Lodge – Jo and Butch Stern
Monad Pacific lvlanagement is the Body Corporate Secretary/Manager of Mt Hutt Lodge, a mixed use property located in the Rafaia Gorge. We have been Body
Corporate Secretary Managers since 1992.
Since 2004 Jo and Butch Stern have been the on-site managers of Mt Hutt Lodge and have very successfully rnanaged the Lodge on behalf of its owners since that time. Portion of the property operates as a timeshare resort. Jo and Butch have always been enthusiastic, hardworking and cornrnitted to the Lodge and in our view have substantially helped raise the profile of the Lodge over the years. Due to Jo and Butch, the Lodge has been the consistent recipient of industry awards for hospitality and maintaining high standards and as a result of these awards Mt Hutt Lodge has a high rating within the Australasian tirneshare industry which is an outstanding achievement.
We are delighted to support the nomination of Jo and Butch and the Lodge to the Best Tourisrn Business in the Selwyn District
Yours Sincerely
Martyn Rix
Monad Pacific Management
Level 4, Warren House, Cnr. Cambridge Tce & Gloucester St
P,O. Box 1648, Christchurch 8140, NewZealand
Phone: +64 3 377 5888, Fax: +64 3 377 6116, Email:
View the letter: MONAD-reference-30.4.2012 PDF Opens in a new window
From: Mt Hutt SkiArea
To whom it may concern,
Butch and Jo have been strong supporters in the Methven Area for many years. Over the years in Methven both have developed a strong community interest and have also placed support back into our region.
Both Butch and Jo have a proven track record in the tourism industry which before they took on the accommodation sector they owned a successful restaurant in Methven. And cunently they both have a high presence on our Ski Area Mt Hutt due to the knowledge they both have in the ski industry and on the mountain.
The can do and inspiring attitude they both have towards the tourism sector is a stand out in the reflection of the business they both own and run.
Both Butch and Jo are a benefit to the region and the their district.
Yours truly,
James Urquhart
GeneralManager Customer Services and Sales
Mt Hutt SkiArea
New Zealand.
View the letter Mt-Hutt-Ski-Area-Ref-28.3.2012 PDF Opens in a new window
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